Evolve E92 M3 Stage 2 Package FOR FREE?!? - Primary Cat Deletes + ECU Tune
Over Christmas we ran a competition and the prize was a Stage 2 Package from us COMPLETELY FREE!
Collecting Imran and Bilal's new BMW M4 CSL
They say to start the year as you mean to go on.... so here's Imran and Bilal's latest addition to the collection, a Frozen Brooklyn Grey M4 CSL!
Driving Studie AG's M4 CSL in the Japanese Touge!
Whenever Imran goes to Japan he always makes time for a visit to our friends @StudieAG, and this time they gave us the hugely generous offer of borrowing two of their cars to take in the Japanese mountains and drive...
Should you buy a cheap E92 M3? Road Test vs Expensive Car
With the prices of E92 M3's dropping the last few months I'm sure many of you have been eying up a cheap car to have some NA V8 fun in. But should you buy a cheaper car or are you...
Imran + Evolve's 2022 Round Up - Project Car Updates + 2023 plans
It's the end of another year! Time for Imran to sit down and look back at 2022, remember everything we've done and look ahead at our plans for 2023!